Cherokee history – Native Americans
Cherokee history: statues from Etowah (now northern Georgia) from about 1300 AD (maybe these should really be counted as Creek?) The Ani Chota The Cherokee nation was the largest nation [...]
Cherokee history: statues from Etowah (now northern Georgia) from about 1300 AD (maybe these should really be counted as Creek?) The Ani Chota The Cherokee nation was the largest nation [...]
Archaic North America - the glaciers melted with the end of the Ice Age When did the Archaic period begin? After the Paleo-Indian period, came the Archaic period. The Archaic started [...]
A Mandan village in 1832 In the Paleo-Indian period, everyone in North America lived in small bands, usually just your family and maybe one or two other families - not more than ten [...]
Code of Hammurabi - an early law code from the 1700s BC The first people didn't need any government, because there were so few people. Mostly people lived just with [...]
The Lion Gate, Mycenae (ca. 1500 BC) As we get on into the Middle Bronze Age (the century varies depending on where you are) villages just kept on getting bigger [...]