Mexican history and colonization
Mexican history: Tenochtitlan under attack (painted in the 1600s) The Aztecs in Mexico In 1500 AD, the Aztec controlled most of what is now Mexico. People also called them the Mexica. More [...]
Mexican history: Tenochtitlan under attack (painted in the 1600s) The Aztecs in Mexico In 1500 AD, the Aztec controlled most of what is now Mexico. People also called them the Mexica. More [...]
Cheyenne history changed when they got horses (Cheyenne painting on bison hide, 1800s) When did Cheyenne people meet Europeans? In 1680 AD, Cheyenne people were living around the sources of the Mississippi River [...]
Ute basket Ute people seem to have lived in the area of North America that is now the states of Utah and Colorado beginning at least by 500 AD. The Ute [...]
Anasazi (Pueblo) pit house Anasazi people Pueblo people (sometimes called the Anasazi) started to build mud-brick houses for themselves in the south-west part of North America (modern Colorado, northern Arizona, and New [...]
Cahokia mound in Illinois, where a Mississippian city was When did the Mississippian period start? After 800 AD the Mississippian culture developed all along the Mississippi and the Missouri valleys, replacing [...]