National Coffee Day
Ottoman coffeehouse, 1500s AD (cf. S. al-Hassani, 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World, Manchester 2006) Where does coffee come from? When did people start to drink coffee? Why do [...]
Ottoman coffeehouse, 1500s AD (cf. S. al-Hassani, 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World, Manchester 2006) Where does coffee come from? When did people start to drink coffee? Why do [...]
South American history: Aztec doctor treating people with smallpox (1500s AD, Codex Mendoza) The Inca, Brazil, and Chile In 1500 AD, the Inca Empire dominated the east coast of South America. Further north, [...]
History of Brazil: The Tapuia people, ca. 1650 (by Albert Eckhout) Tupi war with Tapuia In the late 1400s AD, the Tupi people had just won a big war with the Tapuia people. [...]
Brigham Young in the 1840s And after they killed Joseph Smith? After a mob killed Joseph Smith, the Mormons chose a new leader, Brigham Young (BRIG-am yung) and wisely left Illinois. The [...]
European food history: An early chocolate house Trade brings new foods During the 1500s and 1600s AD, European traders brought back all kinds of new foods from places they sailed to around the world. [...]
Sufi dancers Not long after the foundation of Islam and the life of Mohammed, about 650 AD, there were people who became known as Sufis (SOO-fees). Sufis can be Sunni or Shiite. These people wanted a more [...]
Orange tree: medieval Islamic food included new sweet oranges What did medieval people eat? Around the Mediterranean, people continued in the Islamic period to rely on the three main foods from [...]
Indian food: rice, chapatis, sauces, lentils What did people eat in ancient India? The earliest Indians, the Harappans, probably ate mainly wheat and rice, millet and sorghum, chickpeas and lentils. Often they ate fish, if they lived near the coast [...]
Where does coffee come from? Coffee history starts in Africa. Coffee plants grew wild in East Africa. Sometime before 1000 AD, the people who lived in Ethiopia, in East Africa, began to pick [...]
History of farming: A field of wheat When did people start farming? People did not farm as a major way of getting food until around 12,000 BC. About that time, [...]