Global warming in modern times
Coal plant in China: causing global warming When did global warming start? Human activities probably started to affect the world's climate as early as about 10,000 BC. That's when people [...]
Coal plant in China: causing global warming When did global warming start? Human activities probably started to affect the world's climate as early as about 10,000 BC. That's when people [...]
Chinese science: a double-action piston box bellows (China) What are some Chinese inventions? Chinese scientists started inventing a lot of new things around 500 BC, during the Warring States period. [...]
What is heat? A big campfire throws some serious heat Definition of heat When molecules of any kind of atoms get more energy in them than they had before, they [...]
Diagram of a carbon atom Where does carbon come from? When a star has changed all of the hydrogen atoms into helium, it begins to convert the helium atoms into [...]
Central Asian science: A clay pot with a drawing of a wheeled cart from what is now Poland, about 3500 BC What was invented in Central Asia? Many of the [...]
History of coal: These are lumps of coal What is coal made of? Most of the coal on Earth formed during the Carboniferous Period about 350 million years ago, when [...]