What are snakes? Evolution and biology
Two pythons: evolution of snakes When did snakes evolve? Snakes evolved from lizards only about 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period. This is during the time of the dinosaurs, about the [...]
Two pythons: evolution of snakes When did snakes evolve? Snakes evolved from lizards only about 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period. This is during the time of the dinosaurs, about the [...]
Evolution of turtles: Seychelles tortoise (Jardin des Plantes, Paris) Evolution of turtles The first turtles began to evolve from earlier reptiles about 225 million years ago, during the Triassic period. [...]
Boa Constrictor snake Some kinds of amphibians evolved into reptiles about 300 million years ago. At this time, plate tectonics had moved more and more of the land on Earth into [...]
Duck-billed platypus swimming Probably the very first mammals that evolved from reptiles about 200 million years ago were small animals covered with fur that still laid eggs like reptiles, but [...]
Opossum The earliest mammals, about 200 million years ago, hatched from eggs and then got milk from their mothers, like the duck-billed platypus. But soon after that, about 125 million [...]
Eohippus - an early kind of horse When mammals first began to grow larger, after the dinosaurs became extinct about 70 million years ago, some of them evolved into the [...]
What is a chimpanzee? Chimpanzees evolved in the Tertiary period, about five million years ago, when they split off from earlier primates in Africa. When did chimpanzees evolve? Chimpanzees are [...]
Chordates include this giraffe from Kenya What is a chordate? Any animal that has a spinal cord is a chordate. This group covers most of the creatures you see at [...]