King Arthur’s Britain – Medieval history
Like the people King Arthur was fighting: Sutton Hoo invaders' helmet (500s-600s AD, now in the British Museum) The end of Roman Britain When Constantine III revolted in England in 406 AD and [...]
Like the people King Arthur was fighting: Sutton Hoo invaders' helmet (500s-600s AD, now in the British Museum) The end of Roman Britain When Constantine III revolted in England in 406 AD and [...]
Modern knitting history: Stocking frame knitting machine (1750) Knitting silk stockings In the 1500s AD, knitters in Spain and France started to produce very fine knitted silk stockings, with little tiny [...]
History of coal: These are lumps of coal What is coal made of? Most of the coal on Earth formed during the Carboniferous Period about 350 million years ago, when [...]
Modern Afghanistan: the Dar-ul-Aman Palace outside Kabul (1920s) World War I From 1880 until the end of World War I, the British controlled Afghanistan along with British India. Afghanistan mostly [...]
Dost Mohammed Khan In 1834 AD Dost Mohammed Kahn pushed aside Ahmed Shah Durrani's grandson to become the ruler of Afghanistan. He found himself caught ruling a small, poor country [...]
Ahmad Shah Durrani's burial mausoleum (Kandahar, Pakistan) Afghanistan after the Mongol Empire After the Mongol Empire collapsed, Afghanistan's land was mostly split between the Mughal Empire of India and the Safavid [...]