
21 07, 2017

Who was Arya Bhata? Astronomer and Mathematician

By |2019-02-04T05:03:53-08:00July 21st, 2017|India, Religion|Comments Off on Who was Arya Bhata? Astronomer and Mathematician

Arya Bhata worked at Nalanda University, in Patna, India Where was Arya Bhata from? Arya Bhata was born about 476 AD in India. He probably came from central India, though nobody knows for [...]

18 07, 2017

Who was Eratosthenes? Astronomy and math

By |2019-05-30T20:45:26-07:00July 18th, 2017|Africa, Egypt, Science|Comments Off on Who was Eratosthenes? Astronomy and math

Eratosthenes of Cyrene went to school here! A classroom at the University of Alexandria (al-Ahram 2004). Who was Eratosthenes of Cyrene? Eratosthenes of Cyrene was born about 276 BC. He was [...]

18 07, 2017

Who was Hipparchus? Greek astronomy

By |2019-08-15T17:58:13-07:00July 18th, 2017|Greeks, History, Science|Comments Off on Who was Hipparchus? Greek astronomy

Antikythera mechanism: a clockwork machine to calculate how the earth and the sun move around When did Hipparchus live? Hipparchus was a Greek astronomer and mathematician in the 100s BC, in the time [...]

1 06, 2017

Sewing, wheels, and steel – Central Asian science

By |2018-09-20T06:17:32-07:00June 1st, 2017|Central Asia, Science|Comments Off on Sewing, wheels, and steel – Central Asian science

Central Asian science: A clay pot with a drawing of a wheeled cart from what is now Poland, about 3500 BC What was invented in Central Asia? Many of the [...]

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