Ghaznavids – Medieval Islam
Ghaznavids: A minaret in Ghazni (Afghanistan), from about 1000 AD Abbasid soldiers Beginning in the 850s AD, the Abbasid caliphs of the Islamic Empire were looking for soldiers they would be able to trust, who [...]
Ghaznavids: A minaret in Ghazni (Afghanistan), from about 1000 AD Abbasid soldiers Beginning in the 850s AD, the Abbasid caliphs of the Islamic Empire were looking for soldiers they would be able to trust, who [...]
The Hindu god Shiva Shiva was a Hindu fertility god, who made the crops grow. He was not mentioned in the Rig Veda, about 1000 BC, and seems to have come into Hinduism later than [...]
Hinduism: Arjuna fighting Karna, with Krishna as his charioteer (Duttapara Temple, ca. 1500s AD) What does "Hindu" mean? The word Hindu comes from the river Indus. So it just means [...]
The god Ganesh (Musee Guimet, Paris, from Tamil Nadu, ca. 1500 AD) Who was Ganesh? Ganesh was one of the Hindu gods. He has an elephant head, so he's easy to spot in [...]
Airavetesavara temple to Shiva in southern India (1100s AD) For a great project on Hinduism, and to learn the important vocabulary of this religion, write words related to Hinduism on pieces of [...]
Ganesh cursed the moon (Musee Guimet, Paris, from Tamil Nadu, ca. 1500 AD) Narada offered a sacrifice Now long ago Brahma was sitting with Shiva when a man called Narada came along. And Narada [...]
Brahma (Musée Guimet, Paris,from Madhya Pradesh, about 1100 AD) Who was the god Brahma? Brahma was, along with Vishnu and Shiva, one of the three main gods of Hinduism. More about Vishnu And about [...]
These punch-marked silver coins might be from the time of Chandragupta I, in Mauryan India. Chandragupta I Alexander went back to Babylon in 324 BC. Then a man named Chandragupta overthrew [...]
Indian art: Clay figurines from Mehrgahr, from the Stone Age The earliest art Major themes of Indian art seem to begin emerging as early as the Stone Age. The earliest [...]
Osian Sun temple, 700s AD Two styles of temples: north and south By the 700s AD, after the collapse of the Guptan Empire, there were two different styles of temple-building in India, [...]