
6 09, 2017

Ancient diseases and doctors – History of medicine

By |2019-05-13T10:53:35-07:00September 6th, 2017|Egypt, Science|Comments Off on Ancient diseases and doctors – History of medicine

Greek doctor letting blood out of a patient because he believes in the four humors: history of medicine How did ancient doctors treat diseases? Ancient doctors tried to cure everyone who [...]

2 08, 2017

Leo to Empress Irene – Byzantine History

By |2019-11-07T07:15:16-08:00August 2nd, 2017|History, Medieval|Comments Off on Leo to Empress Irene – Byzantine History

Leo the Isaurian (ca. 720 AD, Louvre museum, Paris) Anastasius II When Justinian II's assassin Philippicus turned out to be a worthless party animal, other Roman officials killed him. In 713 [...]

10 07, 2017

Oedipus Rex – Sophocles – Summary and Themes

By |2018-04-23T09:06:11-07:00July 10th, 2017|Greeks, Literature|Comments Off on Oedipus Rex – Sophocles – Summary and Themes

Oedipus Rex: The shepherd tells his story to Oedipus, while Jocasta listens in horror (now in the Getty Museum) Sophocles wrote this very famous play in the 400s BC. It [...]

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