Ute get horses – American history
Utes riding horses in the 1800s AD During the 1500s AD, the Utes had not yet seen any European invaders. They were still living in Utah and Colorado the way they had [...]
Utes riding horses in the 1800s AD During the 1500s AD, the Utes had not yet seen any European invaders. They were still living in Utah and Colorado the way they had [...]
Navajo people on the Long Walk Spanish colonialism In 1804, more and more Spanish people lived in New Mexico. So the Spanish government decided to stop the Navajo raiding. The Spanish [...]
Navajo with sheep Navajo people moved south into the south-west part of North America from their home in Canada about 1400 AD. So when the Spanish invaders came in the 1500s, the [...]
The Apache get horses: an Apache rock painting, ca. 1800 AD Who were the Apache? Like their Navajo cousins, the Apache people were Athabascan. They moved south into the south-west part of North America [...]
Joseph Rainey, first black congressman in American government African-Americans in Congress After the Civil War, in 1865, the United States changed its Constitution to make slavery illegal. For a few years, black [...]
Can you see the sheepskins? How about the television? (1973) When people met the first Spanish explorers in the 1500s AD, most Navajo people were living in hogans. By trading with the [...]
Native American creation myths - A cross-legged man from Spiro Mound (modern Oklahoma), 900-1450 AD Where did Native people come from? Each group of people in North America had their own [...]
Anasazi (Pueblo) pit house Anasazi people Pueblo people (sometimes called the Anasazi) started to build mud-brick houses for themselves in the south-west part of North America (modern Colorado, northern Arizona, and New [...]
A Navajo dog today After the ancestors of most Native Americans crossed the Bering Land Bridge, about 12,000 BC, they split up and settled in different parts of North America. The Navajo [...]
Cahokia mound in Illinois, where a Mississippian city was When did the Mississippian period start? After 800 AD the Mississippian culture developed all along the Mississippi and the Missouri valleys, replacing [...]