
24 08, 2017

What is Hanukkah? – Jewish holidays

By |2019-08-04T23:27:38-07:00August 24th, 2017|Religion, West Asia|Comments Off on What is Hanukkah? – Jewish holidays

Hanukkah history: a Canaanite amphora, for olive oil or wine (Bronze Age, about 1300 BC) A harvest festival Like all other farming communities, Jewish people celebrated harvest festivals when important crops were safely [...]

24 08, 2017

First Jewish revolt – West Asian history

By |2019-10-16T16:33:09-07:00August 24th, 2017|History, West Asia|Comments Off on First Jewish revolt – West Asian history

The Roman emperor Caligula: before the First Jewish Revolt The Romans conquer Israel The Roman conquest of Israel and Egypt in the last century BC brought many Jews into the Roman Empire (though many [...]

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