Perseus and Andromeda – Greek mythology
Medusa's sisters, from an Athenian Proto-Geometric vase about 675-650 BC So Perseus took the winged sandals and the sword and the shield and he said thank you and he flew to where Medusa's cave was. She [...]
Medusa's sisters, from an Athenian Proto-Geometric vase about 675-650 BC So Perseus took the winged sandals and the sword and the shield and he said thank you and he flew to where Medusa's cave was. She [...]
Perseus and Medusa: Danae and Perseus adrift in their box Once there was a good king, but he died. His bad brother killed him so that he could be king. The [...]
Medusa herself, from the pediment of the Temple of Artemis on Corfu, about 600 BC Who was Medusa? According to one version of the Greek story, Medusa was [...]
Birth of Athena Who are Athena's parents? Athena is one of the younger Greek goddesses; she is Zeus's daughter. Her mother was Metis (Wisdom). More about Zeus More Greek gods [...]
Nomos and physis: Laocoon: being strangled by snakes People in ancient Greece often thought of the world as being a fight, or an agon, between the two forces of rationalism [...]
Temple of Zeus at Cyrene (North Africa) Greek architects weren't just copying their old wooden temples for the fun of it though, or just because they couldn't think of any [...]