
8 09, 2017

What are llamas? South American animals

By |2019-11-12T21:05:35-08:00September 8th, 2017|Environment, South America|Comments Off on What are llamas? South American animals

A llama in Bolivia - llamas live in South America Where did llamas come from? Llamas evolved from camels. Camels evolved in North America about 45 million years ago. They lived in the [...]

11 06, 2017

How to make pemmican – Native American project

By |2018-04-07T17:05:20-07:00June 11th, 2017|Food, Native American|Comments Off on How to make pemmican – Native American project

A Native woman making pemmican Our word "pemmican" comes from the Cree word "pimikan". Pemmican was a sort of energy bar: not great food, but a lot of fat and sugar [...]

26 05, 2017

Meat and Exercise – Projects about muscles – Biology

By |2018-04-16T08:40:13-07:00May 26th, 2017|Biology|Comments Off on Meat and Exercise – Projects about muscles – Biology

Muscles project: Raw meat is made of muscles from animals. If you want to see what muscles really look like, it's pretty easy! All of the meat you eat is made [...]

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