Ptolemy – Roman astronomy – history of science
A copy of Ptolemy's map of the world Ptolemy was born in Egypt in about 90 AD, when the Romans were ruling Egypt. He was a Roman citizen. Probably he was the son or grandson of [...]
A copy of Ptolemy's map of the world Ptolemy was born in Egypt in about 90 AD, when the Romans were ruling Egypt. He was a Roman citizen. Probably he was the son or grandson of [...]
Roman medicine: Galen used surgical instruments like these What do we mean by Roman medicine? Roman medicine is really West Asian and African medicine. That's because most of the great [...]
Sunshine through the clouds and Earth's atmosphere You can see that the sunlight that reaches the Earth travels at different wavelengths. On a sunny day, put a full glass of water (a real glass glass) in [...]
Build your own model of a fusion reaction: start with a regular red lego (a proton). Wrap a rubberband around it to be the strong nuclear force. Then connect a small blue lego (an electron) to [...]
Photons - Sunshine breaking through the clouds. When did the first photons appear? A photon is a tiny little particle of light, far too small to see individually. All light is [...]
Light takes years to reach us from these stars far away in space. What is a light-year? A light-year is the distance that light can travel in one year - [...]
Rainbow over Amazon river - What is light made of? What is light made of? Light is made of billions of tiny particles called photons. These photons travel from one place [...]
European boys at school in the 1800s More schools and more scientists In the first half of the 1800s AD, countries in northern Europe like France and Britain forced other countries to give them [...]
Emilie du Chatelet, a French philosopher in the 1700s Did Emilie du Chatelet go to school? Emilie du Chatelet's rich father, who was interested in literature and science, hired tutors [...]
Any desk lamp will do for this du Chatelet light project What is the du Chatelet light project? Emilie du Chatelet was a scientist who lived in France in the [...]