Attis and Cybele – West Asian mythology
Cybele and Attis standing together, while two much smaller human worshippers pray to them. From the Hellenistic kingdoms, in what is now Turkey, in the 100s BC Who was Cybele? [...]
Cybele and Attis standing together, while two much smaller human worshippers pray to them. From the Hellenistic kingdoms, in what is now Turkey, in the 100s BC Who was Cybele? [...]
The goddess Astarte in the Late Bronze Age The goddess Astarte As early as about 3000 BC, Astarte was a Semitic goddess of love and fertility. People worshipped her in Mesopotamia and in the [...]
Torchlight parade (this one is actually in India) Most Greek religious rituals were about sacrifice to the gods. But there was another form of religious activity also, which we call the mystery cults. [...]
The Greek god Hera was the sister and wife of Zeus. Greek god Hera Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus (the Greeks did not approve of this arrangement for real [...]
Bringing offerings to Osiris(New Kingdom, ca. 1300 BC) Osiris was an ancient Egyptian god of growing things, like the Hindu god Indra or the Greek goddess Demeter. That's why sometimes [...]
Isis and her baby Horus (Middle Kingdom, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) Isis, Osiris, and Set The god Isis, in Egyptian mythology, was married to her [...]
Good luck charm of the eye of the god Horus (Old Kingdom, ca. 2000 BC) Horus was the son of Re Horus was an Egyptian god, originally from Upper Egypt [...]