
3 09, 2017

Diocletian – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

By |2019-05-08T09:17:36-07:00September 3rd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Diocletian – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

The Roman emperor Diocletian Peace for a while Around 280 AD, the Sassanids gradually stopped attacking the Roman Empire so much. They were having civil wars of their own, and the Huns were attacking them [...]

3 09, 2017

Constantine – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

By |2019-04-22T19:28:06-07:00September 3rd, 2017|History, Romans|Comments Off on Constantine – Roman emperor – Later Roman Empire

The Roman emperor Constantine - the first Christian emperor Constantius' son Constantine Diocletian's Tetrarchy worked pretty well for about 20 years, but then it broke down. In 306 AD one of the four [...]

22 08, 2017

What did Manichaeans believe? – Christianity

By |2019-12-02T08:47:59-08:00August 22nd, 2017|Religion, West Asia|Comments Off on What did Manichaeans believe? – Christianity

Manichaean painting (Turfan, western China, ca. 900s AD) - Who were the Manichaeans? The prophet Mani in the Sassanian Empire In the 300s and 400s AD many Christians turned to believing in [...]

21 08, 2017

Donatists – Christianity – history of religion

By |2019-05-15T07:42:16-07:00August 21st, 2017|Religion, Romans|Comments Off on Donatists – Christianity – history of religion

The Roman emperor Constantine - the first Christian emperor - had to deal with the Donatists When did the Donatists get started? Almost as soon as Constantine had won the battle [...]

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