
28 05, 2017

Why do we have fingers? Skeletons, Evolution, and Biology

By |2017-05-28T00:38:23-07:00May 28th, 2017|Biology|Comments Off on Why do we have fingers? Skeletons, Evolution, and Biology

Human hand bones The first fingers and toes evolved from earlier fish fins about 400 million years ago. During the Devonian period, the oceans were very shallow, and some fish [...]

26 05, 2017

Lungfish – Evolution of Fish

By |2019-11-19T21:22:15-08:00May 26th, 2017|Biology|Comments Off on Lungfish – Evolution of Fish

Evolution of fish: a lungfish Why did fish leave the water? About 400 million years ago, during the Devonian period, the Earth was going through an especially warm period. Some [...]

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