Devonian Period – fish, lungfish
Coelocanth: a fish from the Devonian period When was the Devonian period? Four hundred and sixteen million years ago, when the Silurian period ended and the Devonian period began, most [...]
Coelocanth: a fish from the Devonian period When was the Devonian period? Four hundred and sixteen million years ago, when the Silurian period ended and the Devonian period began, most [...]
Evolution of seeds: Dandelion seeds What is a seed? A seed is the egg cell of a plant, with a hard wrapper around it so it can survive on its [...]
Cell division The very earliest photosynthesizing plants on Earth, about 3 billion years ago, had only one cell, and they reproduced the way most one-celled creatures do, by mitosis: splitting [...]
A fish skeleton Before there were bones One-celled animals don't have any support system that holds them in a certain shape. Plants do have a support system, but it's the [...]
Human hand bones The first fingers and toes evolved from earlier fish fins about 400 million years ago. During the Devonian period, the oceans were very shallow, and some fish [...]
Digestive system: A hydra eating: the mouth is where all the tentacles come together,near the center of the picture.The hydra is eating the round bug in its stomach. Before digestive [...]
Evolution of fish: a lungfish Why did fish leave the water? About 400 million years ago, during the Devonian period, the Earth was going through an especially warm period. Some [...]