
29 07, 2017

Castle at Caen – William the Conqueror

By |2019-02-25T21:30:40-08:00July 29th, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|Comments Off on Castle at Caen – William the Conqueror

Outer walls of Caen castle, Normandy, France What is Caen castle? This is the castle that William the Conqueror built before he left to conquer England, to defend his own territory in Normandy, [...]

6 07, 2017

Hellenistic and Roman government in Greece

By |2019-08-08T23:08:47-07:00July 6th, 2017|Government, Greeks, History|Comments Off on Hellenistic and Roman government in Greece

Hellenistic government: Philip of Macedon Philip of Macedon In the 300s BC, Philip of Macedon conquered Greece. He ruled all of Greece as the king. (In theory Philip was only leading a league of Greek [...]

11 06, 2017

Design a medieval castle – Medieval Europe projects

By |2017-06-11T10:18:33-07:00June 11th, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|Comments Off on Design a medieval castle – Medieval Europe projects

Castle of Vincennes, Paris (1300s AD) In the Middle Ages, many people lived inside castles like this one. You can study pictures of different kinds of medieval castles, and the [...]

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