Who is Krishna? Hinduism in India
The god Krishna killing the horse demon (Guptan Empire, 400s AD,now in Metropolitan Museum, NYC) Who is Krishna? Krishna is one of the Hindu gods. He was actually just one of [...]
The god Krishna killing the horse demon (Guptan Empire, 400s AD,now in Metropolitan Museum, NYC) Who is Krishna? Krishna is one of the Hindu gods. He was actually just one of [...]
What is karma? Jataka Tales: King Siva offers his body to save a dove from a hawk, and King Candraprabha is so generous that he gives away his own head (Mogao [...]
What is dharma? Arjuna fights Shiva (in a story from the Mahabharata) because that is his dharma Dharma is an Indian idea Dharma is a Sanskrit word originally meaning order or [...]
What is the Bhagavad Gita? The Bhagavad Gita is part of a longer poem, the Mahabharata, that was written in India probably about 300 BC. Historians disagree about the date though. The Bhagavad Gita (BA-ga-vad GEE-ta [...]
Duryodhana (Cambodia, ca. 900s AD) Who was Duryodhana? Duryodhana was the enemy of the Pandavas in the story of the Mahabharata. He's forced out of power when the Pandavas defeat him. [...]