Where do tomatoes come from? South America
History of tomatoes: Wild tomatoes Wild tomatoes in the Andes The earliest tomatoes were little sour berries. They grew on low bushes in dry, sunny places in the Andes mountains [...]
History of tomatoes: Wild tomatoes Wild tomatoes in the Andes The earliest tomatoes were little sour berries. They grew on low bushes in dry, sunny places in the Andes mountains [...]
Wild sunflowers or Black-Eyed Susan flowers Where do sunflowers grow wild? Sunflowers grew wild all over North America. From the Paleo-Indian time on, many different groups of people picked sunflowers and [...]
A field of sorghum growing Sorghum, like millet, is one of the plants that African people figured out how to farm and then spread to the rest of the world. [...]
Barley ready to be harvested How is barley different from wheat? Barley's a kind of grass, like wheat or millet or sorghum or rice, that is a good source of carbohydrates [...]