
15 09, 2017

West Asian people – families, schools, slavery

By |2019-09-04T07:31:22-07:00September 15th, 2017|West Asia|Comments Off on West Asian people – families, schools, slavery

West Asian people: Ur-Nanshe, the king's chief musician in Mari, 2400s BC Oppression of women What we notice most about the way people lived in West Asia is the widespread [...]

23 08, 2017

What is the Trinity? Christianity – Religion

By |2018-04-09T23:07:28-07:00August 23rd, 2017|Religion, Romans|Comments Off on What is the Trinity? Christianity – Religion

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Perugino, about 1482 in Rome) Christian people all believed that there was one God. But many people thought God existed in three forms: God the Father, Jesus the [...]

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