African Language Projects
Learn to speak a little like a person from Africa - try to learn how to make Xhosa clicks yourself - can you do it? How to make the click sounds in [...]
Learn to speak a little like a person from Africa - try to learn how to make Xhosa clicks yourself - can you do it? How to make the click sounds in [...]
About 500 AD, some Bantu people moved into South Africa. They spoke their own West African language, Bantu, of course. But after they settled down in South Africa, they learned a lot of [...]
Khoisan people from South Africa spoke the !Kung language. It is probably the closest we can come to what the earliest languages sounded like. !Kung is a click language. The ! in [...]
Funeral inscription for King Massinissa, at Dougga , dated 138 BC. (Now in the Bardo Museum in Tunis). The inscription's in two African languages: Punic (Phoenician) and Berber. Because Africa is [...]