Greek hoplites and democracy – Classical Greece
Greek hoplites and democracy - a Corinthian helmet from the 600s BC Hoplites needed armor When the Greek city-states turned to this new hoplite way of fighting, it meant that each man [...]
Greek hoplites and democracy - a Corinthian helmet from the 600s BC Hoplites needed armor When the Greek city-states turned to this new hoplite way of fighting, it meant that each man [...]
Did climate change cause a Bronze Age crisis? Tomb stela of Nemti-ui, from the First Intermediate Period. The stele's only painted, not carved, because people couldn't afford carving after the climate [...]
Philistines on the Egyptian temple at Medinet Habu After the death of the last Ramses in 1085 BC, Egypt fell apart. Nobody knows exactly why, but there may have been [...]