Medicine and doctors in the Roman Empire
Roman medicine: Galen used surgical instruments like these What do we mean by Roman medicine? Roman medicine is really West Asian and African medicine. That's because most of the great [...]
Roman medicine: Galen used surgical instruments like these What do we mean by Roman medicine? Roman medicine is really West Asian and African medicine. That's because most of the great [...]
This is supposed to be a bust of Pyrrhon, the founder of Skeptic philosophy We don't know as much as we might like to about the activities of Plato's Academy after [...]
A statue of the philosopher Epicurus, carved later, long after he died - Epicurean philosophy When did Epicurus live? Another philosophical group which developed in the Hellenistic period, around the same time as [...]
Greek philosophy at a symposium: men talking at a party - Loan Ant.103.18.The Fitzwilliam Museum The beginnings of philosophy In the 500s BC, people all over Europe and Asia became [...]