What is work? Physics definitions
Ancient Egyptian cattle plowing (Louvre Museum, Paris) You might think you know what work is, like homework, or having to pick up your room, right? But to scientists, work has [...]
Ancient Egyptian cattle plowing (Louvre Museum, Paris) You might think you know what work is, like homework, or having to pick up your room, right? But to scientists, work has [...]
Sharecroppers picking cotton. See the little girl and the bigger boy? (ca 1890) How do people become sharecroppers? When people didn't own any land, or they lost their land because of not [...]
Soil types triangle What is dirt made of? All dirt is basically made of three different kinds of particles, as Aristotle and his student Theophrastus saw in the 300s BC. [...]
Ancient Egyptian cattle plowing, ca. 1300 BC (Louvre Museum, Paris) What does plowing do? If you are going to plant seeds, like wheat seeds for example, and harvest them, then [...]
An Egyptian using a hand plow (about 1400 BC) The first part of farming is planting the seeds in good dirt, so they can begin to grow. In most parts [...]
Egyptian wall painting of farm work Family farms Maybe when people first started farming, each family pretty much farmed by itself. Mom and Dad and the kids planted the grain [...]
History of cows: Cows in a field The wild auroch Cattle are the tame version of the wild aurochs that used to live on the grass plains of Asia, Africa, [...]