Where does palm oil come from? Africa
Palm trees Palm trees first began to grow in
Palm trees Palm trees first began to grow in
Fatty food: There are lots of different kinds of cheese. Why do we need to eat fat? Fats are foods which store energy in case you need it later. Everybody [...]
Aloco Palm oil and plantains Heat a cup of red palm oil (or peanut oil if you can't get palm oil) in a frying pan. Peel and slice raw plantains [...]
Ancient Egyptian food: Actual bread from Egypt's New Kingdom (Vatican Museum, Rome) Ancient Egyptian food: from both Africa and West Asia Because Egypt is in Africa, but very close to [...]
Date palm Palms and papyrus The plants that grew in ancient Egypt were very different from plants that grow in America or Britain. The lotus and the papyrus plants, for [...]
Eto: yams before they are cooked What is Eto made of? Eto is a kind of food that people ate in West Africa. You cooked yams until they were soft, [...]
Early African food: Wheat bread African food before farming Before people started farming, African hunters and gatherers ate mainly fruit (especially figs), with some meat and fish and seafood and [...]