American religion – history of religion
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
The Paiute fight back - Sarah Winnemucca was a Paiute activist. The Paiute get horses At first the Paiute didn't see any of the Spanish invaders who conquered the Pueblo people around 1500 AD, but they still [...]
A Canadian Inuit village in 1575 AD Inuit trade collapses In 1500 AD, the Inuit weren't doing so well. They had been buying steel and iron weapons from Vikings and East Asian traders. They used [...]
Ohlone people crossing San Francisco Bay, with a European wool blanket (Louis Choris, 1816 AD) Native people in California In 1500 AD, California was a popular place to live. About [...]
Chinese medicine: a Chinese village doctor treating a man by burning herbs on his back (Song Dynasty, ca. 950 AD., now in National Palace Museum, Taiwan) What's the earliest Chinese [...]
During the Ming Dynasty, not many scientists were working in China; most people who wanted to do science moved west to the big universities of Central Asia. But when Jesuit missionaries from [...]
History of Botswana: Where is Botswana? Tswana people in the 1500s In 1500 AD, the Tswana people lived in what is now Botswana. That's in the middle of the southern part of [...]