What are lysosomes? Parts of a cell – Biology
Lysosomes (under an electron microscope) When did lysosomes evolve? Prokaryote cells don't have lysosomes, so the first ones probably evolved about the same time as the other pieces of eukaryote [...]
Lysosomes (under an electron microscope) When did lysosomes evolve? Prokaryote cells don't have lysosomes, so the first ones probably evolved about the same time as the other pieces of eukaryote [...]
Image of a Golgi body. Taken with an electron microscope at the University of Melbourne, Australia How does a cell make Golgi bodies? First the RNA of a eukaryote cell [...]
Cell waste: A cell with a vacuole Cell waste and vacuoles Soon after eukaryote cells began to make vacuoles to help them catch their food and store it, about 600 [...]
A model of an enzyme reacting with another molecule and breaking it into two pieces. Each little ball represents an atom.This enzyme, lysozyme, breaks up bacteria in your blood to keep [...]
Amoeba - a one-celled organism - Cell digestion How do cells get energy? All cells have to have some way to get energy from outside themselves, or they will starve [...]