Nero’s Golden House – Domus Aurea – Rome
The inside of Nero's Golden House: it's very dark! Why was Nero building a new palace? After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero took advantage of the space [...]
The inside of Nero's Golden House: it's very dark! Why was Nero building a new palace? After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero took advantage of the space [...]
Roman Colosseum - the Flavian Amphitheater - in Rome, Italy. Built about 70 AD Vespasian built the Roman Colosseum so people would like him When Vespasian became the new Roman Emperor [...]
The Roman emperor Nero In the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero, during the night between the 18th and the 19th of July, 64 AD, there was a great fire in the city of [...]
Raphael's early selfie as a teenager Raphael, Titian, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci were the four greatest painters of the Renaissance in Italy. Raphael was born in 1483, when Michelangelo was eight years old and Leonardo was already grown up; Titian [...]
Leonardo da Vinci, Mary and Jesus (ca. 1501 AD) Europeans got richer in the later Middle Ages thanks to the wool trade. More and more rich Europeans wanted to buy paintings. So more [...]
History of concrete: The fountain in the center of the courtyard is concrete (This is from the Palace of Domitian in Rome) What is concrete? Concrete is a kind of [...]