From Xerxes to Alexander – the later Persian Empire
The Persian shah, Xerxes, from the 400s BC. Death of Xerxes and revolt In 465 BC, someone killed the Persian King Xerxes. His assassin may have been his son Ardashir [...]
The Persian shah, Xerxes, from the 400s BC. Death of Xerxes and revolt In 465 BC, someone killed the Persian King Xerxes. His assassin may have been his son Ardashir [...]
The Persians came from the Central Asian steppe The Persians and the Medes Around 1200 BC, some Indo-European people from Central Asia moved south into West Asia. These people were [...]
Rock Art from Utah, about 1700 AD In 1500 AD, there were many different religious faiths across North America. Each group of people worshipped their own gods. All of these faiths did [...]
Comanche women (1800s) From Shoshone to Comanche Pueblo people captured Spanish horses in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 AD, and they sold some of those horses to the Shoshone, in what is now Wyoming. [...]
The United States Bill of Rights: the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America What is the Bill of Rights? After the leaders of the [...]
A Catholic bishop marries Napoleon and Josephine - modern European religion Freedom of religion Even though by 1802 Napoleon had opened up the Catholic churches again, French people kept their freedom of [...]
René Descartes - Enlightenment philosopher How do we know what is true? All this fighting about religion and new ideas coming from Africa and the Americas, China and India meant that [...]