The Umayyads – Early Islamic History
Tomb of Ali, the first Imam and the fourth caliph, in Iraq (it was rebuilt about 1500 AD by the Safavids) Mohammed died in 632 AD. His second wife's father, a rich [...]
Tomb of Ali, the first Imam and the fourth caliph, in Iraq (it was rebuilt about 1500 AD by the Safavids) Mohammed died in 632 AD. His second wife's father, a rich [...]
Sultan Mehmed II (by the Venetian painter Gentile Bellini, 1479 AD) After the old Seljuk kingdom in Anatolia (Turkey) fell apart, one of these Seljuks, a man named Osman, started in 1299 AD to [...]
Topkapi Palace, Istanbul (Turkey, 1400s AD) By the time the Ottoman sultans conquered Constantinople from the Roman emperors in 1453 AD, the old palace of the Roman emperors was really very, very old. The Roman [...]
Roman Greece: Map of the Roman Empire in 146 BC The Roman Empire expands By 275 BC, the Romans in Italy were beginning to expand out of Italy and conquer [...]
Royal Game of Ur (2600 BC; British Museum) Backgammon's from older board games Backgammon is descended from much older board games from Africa and West Asia like Senet and Tabula [...]