Human organs: medieval science
Chinese drawing of the human organs (about 1200) Eyes and fevers Between the Middle Ages and modern times, doctors have learned a lot of new things about how human bodies [...]
Chinese drawing of the human organs (about 1200) Eyes and fevers Between the Middle Ages and modern times, doctors have learned a lot of new things about how human bodies [...]
Astrolabe in Hebrew, probably from Spain (1300s AD) In the early Middle Ages, most people in Europe were too poor to have much time for astronomy. But some people were still interested in [...]
An Egyptian papyrus from about 100 AD which is a piece of one of Euclid's books Euclid's life and background Nobody knows much about Euclid's life anymore - it is [...]
Who was Aristotle? An ancient Egyptian papyrus with a scrap of Aristotle's "Politics" Aristotle's family Aristotle's father was Nicomachus, a doctor who lived near Macedon, in the north of Greece. [...]
What is a camera obscura? This is a large camera obscura: a dark room with an image projected into it. Who invented the camera obscura? The Chinese philosopher and scientist [...]