History of schools and education
History of schools: Scribes writing (New Kingdom Egypt) The history of schools From the Stone Age to the end of the Middle Ages, most children never went to school at [...]
History of schools: Scribes writing (New Kingdom Egypt) The history of schools From the Stone Age to the end of the Middle Ages, most children never went to school at [...]
Court attendants (Takamatsuzuka Tomb, ca. 600s AD) Now that Japan had declared independence from China, Empress Suiko and her successors built a new government for Japan. They wanted Japan's government to be just [...]
Model of the Empress Genmei's imperial audience hall at Heijo, Nara Empress Genmei moved the capital of Japan to the new planned city of Nara in 710 AD. She wanted the move [...]
Early Indian architecture: Rock-cut temples at Ajanta, India The Stone Age and the Bronze Age The earliest buildings anyone knows of from India are from Mehrgahr, from about 7000 BC. But the [...]
Outside of Carpenter's Cave, Ellora Caves, about 575 AD Guptan architecture In the Guptan period, architects in India were beginning to build more and more temples. The earlier Buddhist temples at Ajanta were [...]