
10 09, 2017

Colonization timeline – 1500 AD to modern times

By |2019-09-05T06:37:13-07:00September 10th, 2017|History|Comments Off on Colonization timeline – 1500 AD to modern times

Tenochtitlan under attack (painted in the 1600s) Ships and sailing improve Beginning about 1450 AD, Europeans took advantage of new advances in sail technolog. They invaded and took over most of the [...]

8 09, 2017

Brazil’s early history – South America

By |2019-02-22T05:09:58-08:00September 8th, 2017|History, South America|Comments Off on Brazil’s early history – South America

Venus of Santarem (Brazil, ca. 1400-1000 BC) When did people get to Brazil? The first people probably arrived on the Atlantic coast of South America about 15,000 BC. Probably a second wave [...]

8 09, 2017

Central and South American history – colonization

By |2018-04-29T10:45:08-07:00September 8th, 2017|Central America, History, South America|Comments Off on Central and South American history – colonization

South American history: Aztec doctor treating people with smallpox (1500s AD, Codex Mendoza) The Inca, Brazil, and Chile In 1500 AD, the Inca Empire dominated the east coast of South America. Further north, [...]

8 09, 2017

History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

By |2019-02-22T06:00:17-08:00September 8th, 2017|History, South America, Where|Comments Off on History of Brazil – Brazil and colonization

History of Brazil: The Tapuia people, ca. 1650 (by Albert Eckhout) Tupi war with Tapuia In the late 1400s AD, the Tupi people had just won a big war with the Tapuia people. [...]

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