Medieval Islamic science
Medieval Islamic science: Al Tusi's diagram of linear motion from circular motion Indian and African science In the Early Middle Ages, before the formation of the Islamic Empire, Buddhists ran the world's biggest [...]
Medieval Islamic science: Al Tusi's diagram of linear motion from circular motion Indian and African science In the Early Middle Ages, before the formation of the Islamic Empire, Buddhists ran the world's biggest [...]
Minaret of Koutoubia mosque, Marrakesh (Morocco, 1100s AD) Almohads built a lot of buildings When the Almohads first conquered Morocco and Spain from the Almovarids in the 1100s AD, they showed their strength by building [...]
An Egyptian papyrus from about 100 AD which is a piece of one of Euclid's books Euclid's life and background Nobody knows much about Euclid's life anymore - it is [...]
Eratosthenes of Cyrene went to school here! A classroom at the University of Alexandria (al-Ahram 2004). Who was Eratosthenes of Cyrene? Eratosthenes of Cyrene was born about 276 BC. He was [...]
A copy of Aristarchus of Samos' work on parchment from Constantinople, about 950 AD. It shows the relative sizes of the sun, the Earth, and the moon Aristarchus of Samos [...]
Coin of the Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra Ptolemies against Romans The Ptolemies, the Greek kings of Egypt, ruled Egypt for 300 years. But by around 50 BC, the Ptolemies were much weaker than [...]
Ptolemy I Soter, on a coin (He's trying to look like Alexander) Alexander conquers Egypt In 332 BC Alexander the Great and his Greek army conquered Egypt from the Persians who [...]