Roman Imperial Cult – Roman religion
Imperial cult: The Roman general Pompey Worshipping rulers as gods The Roman general Pompey conquered West Asia around 50 BC. He was embarrassed to find that people there were worshipping him as a god. Who [...]
Imperial cult: The Roman general Pompey Worshipping rulers as gods The Roman general Pompey conquered West Asia around 50 BC. He was embarrassed to find that people there were worshipping him as a god. Who [...]
The Roman Empire in the Late Republic Rome rules the Mediterranean Sea By 146 BC, after the Third Punic War, the Romans were the only important power left in the Mediterranean Sea, and [...]
Alexander the Great (before the Maccabees) Alexander and the Jews Under the Persians the Jews did very well. They were able to worship their own God, and even to travel around the [...]