Battle of Plataea – Second Persian War
Battle of Plataea: Iranian archers from the Persian Empire Battle of Plataea Now that the Greeks had won a major naval victory over the Persians at Salamis, they were braver. [...]
Battle of Plataea: Iranian archers from the Persian Empire Battle of Plataea Now that the Greeks had won a major naval victory over the Persians at Salamis, they were braver. [...]
Classical Greece: the Pnyx, where the Athenian Assembly met Democracy in Athens In 510 BC a man named Cleisthenes (KLICE-then-eez), who was an aristocrat (a rich, powerful man) in Athens, [...]
Thebes bell in the shape of a person, 700 BC (Louvre Museum, Paris) In Greek mythology, Thebes was where Oedipus lived with his mother-wife Jocasta. It was where Oedipus' daughter [...]