Ottoman science – astronomy and clocks
Taqi al-Din in his observatory Ottoman scholars built many libraries in Istanbul and in other cities of the Ottoman Empire. They translated many earlier books into Turkish or Arabic, like [...]
Taqi al-Din in his observatory Ottoman scholars built many libraries in Istanbul and in other cities of the Ottoman Empire. They translated many earlier books into Turkish or Arabic, like [...]
Diagram of an eye, by Ibn al-Haytham (ca. 1000 AD) Who was ibn al-Haytham? Ibn al-Haytham was born about 965 AD in Basra, near the Persian Gulf (modern Iraq), and when he grew [...]
Islamic astronomers taking observations West Asian astronomy before Islam West Asian astronomers had been world leaders in astronomy for thousands of years before the Islamic conquests in the 600s AD. In the last centuries BC, [...]
What is a camera obscura? This is a large camera obscura: a dark room with an image projected into it. Who invented the camera obscura? The Chinese philosopher and scientist [...]