What is an ionic bond? Simple science – Chemistry
Ionic bond examples: Diagram of a molecule of salt, which uses an ionic bond What is an ionic bond? When atoms get close together, sometimes they form ionic bonds that [...]
Ionic bond examples: Diagram of a molecule of salt, which uses an ionic bond What is an ionic bond? When atoms get close together, sometimes they form ionic bonds that [...]
Ice chemistry: Perito Moreno glacier, Argentina (thanks to Argentina's Travel Guide) How water freezes into ice When water gets colder than 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Celsius, it freezes [...]
A diagram of a hydrogen atom Hydrogen is the simplest kind of atom Hydrogen is the simplest kind of atom, and in the very earliest days after the Big Bang [...]
A model of a methane molecule - the simplest of hydrocarbons A kind of molecule Hydrocarbons are molecules. They are made out of hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms. Methane is [...]
What is heat? A big campfire throws some serious heat Definition of heat When molecules of any kind of atoms get more energy in them than they had before, they [...]
Gold jewelry shaped like bees, from Bronze Age Greece Gold is a much heavier atom than iron, with 79 protons and 79 electrons in each atom. Gold is too heavy for [...]
Ice floats: A glass of ice water A project with ice To see that ice takes up more room than water does, stick a piece of tape to a glass [...]
Food coloring and water project - A glass of water How can we see molecules move? To see that water molecules move around even when the water seems to be [...]
Children playing a running game: a heat project Friction makes things hot You can easily make things hotter than they were before. Start by rubbing your hands together, and you'll [...]
Covalent bonds: two hydrogen molecules bonding to an oxygen molecule Covalent bonds stick atoms together When two atoms come near each other, sometimes they stick together to make a molecule. One [...]