What is jade? Metamorphic rock
What is jade? Jade rock from Alaska Jadeite and nephrite Jade is really two kinds of metamorphic rock, jadeite and nephrite, that look pretty much exactly the same. Scientists can [...]
What is jade? Jade rock from Alaska Jadeite and nephrite Jade is really two kinds of metamorphic rock, jadeite and nephrite, that look pretty much exactly the same. Scientists can [...]
What is metamorphic rock? Slate rocks in Cascadilla Gorge, Ithaca, New York Metamorphic rocks form under pressure About 450 million years ago, some of the sedimentary rocks began to transform [...]
Granite rock There are three different kinds of rocks on Earth, and they form in very different ways. The first kind is igneous rock, which means "fire rocks". Igneous rocks [...]