Who is Hephaistos? Ancient Greek gods
The Greek god Hephaistos' forge is a volcano. What is Hephaistos god of? The Greek god Hephaistos (heh-FAIS-toss) is the blacksmith god, the god of volcanoes and hot fires and smelting metal ore [...]
The Greek god Hephaistos' forge is a volcano. What is Hephaistos god of? The Greek god Hephaistos (heh-FAIS-toss) is the blacksmith god, the god of volcanoes and hot fires and smelting metal ore [...]
Birth of the goddess Aphrodite (from Pompeii, about 50 AD) The goddess of love Aphrodite (a-fro-DIE-tee) was the Greek goddess of love. So naturally she was always falling in love [...]
Who was Hesiod? In Works and Days, Hephaistos creates Pandora Who was Hesiod? An early Greek writer People in ancient Greece learned about the new alphabet way of writing about 750 [...]