Japanese food history
Japanese sushi Food in Stone Age Japan The very earliest people who lived in Japan, starting about 40,000 years ago, lived mainly on fish caught from the sea, though they sometimes hunted local deer or [...]
Japanese sushi Food in Stone Age Japan The very earliest people who lived in Japan, starting about 40,000 years ago, lived mainly on fish caught from the sea, though they sometimes hunted local deer or [...]
History of wine: White grapes on the vine Grapes grow abundantly and reliably in the West Asian climate, and taste good, and even gatherers ate wild grapes (which are smaller [...]
When did people start fishing? History of fishing: Stone carving of a fish (San Francisco, ca. 7000 BC) People probably began fishing in Africa, very early on in human history. [...]
History of pottery: Philistine pottery (compare Mycenaean Greek pottery) What is pottery? Pottery is dishes, plates, cups, cooking pots, and storage jars made out of clay. People make dishes and pots [...]