Who was Ingundis? Visigothic Spain
Gold coin of King Leovigild, the father-in-law of Ingundis A religious problem By the late 500s AD, the Visigoths were the only people in Europe who hadn't converted from Arianism to Catholicism. They were [...]
Gold coin of King Leovigild, the father-in-law of Ingundis A religious problem By the late 500s AD, the Visigoths were the only people in Europe who hadn't converted from Arianism to Catholicism. They were [...]
A drawing of a plaque made by Huns Who were the Huns? The Huns probably came from western China, where they were known as the Xiong-nu. They were part of the [...]
Who was Charlemagne? This is Charlemagne, or possibly his grandson (now in the Louvre Museum) What's Charlemagne's real name? Charlemagne's name is really Charles le Magne, or Charles the Great. [...]
Notre Dame of Paris (1160s AD) A Roman temple to Jupiter In the time of the Romans, about 100 AD, the city council of Paris built a temple. They dedicated it to the [...]
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (500s AD) Rioters burned the old churches The Roman emperor Constantius II built a big church next to the imperial palace in Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the 300s AD. [...]
Travels of the Buddhist traveller Xuanzang (T'ang Dynasty, 630 AD) Xuanzang was a great Chinese scholar who lived in the 600s AD, under the T'ang dynasty. He was a Buddhist, [...]
Wei Dynasty camel (northern China, 500-550 AD) (Musee Guimet, Paris) It was in the time of the Three Kingdoms that the first artists appear whose names we still know today. [...]
Song Dynasty pagoda (Hong Kong) About 200 AD, near the end of the Han Dynasty, people in China began to hear about the new religion of Buddhism, which had started in [...]
Central Asian horses, like in the Alpamysh story When is the Alpamysh from? Nobody knows who composed the Alpamysh, or exactly when, but they probably first sang the Alpamysh in [...]
Uighur princesses (Bezelik Cave) Who were the Uighurs? When the Turkic Gokturk Empire in Central Asia collapsed in 742 AD, the Uighurs got their independence. Who were the Gokturks? More [...]