Boddhisatva – Buddhism – religion
A Song Dynasty statue of the boddhisatva Guanyin What is a boddhisatva? A boddhisatva, in Buddhist religion, was a holy man or woman. They were special, closer to God than other [...]
A Song Dynasty statue of the boddhisatva Guanyin What is a boddhisatva? A boddhisatva, in Buddhist religion, was a holy man or woman. They were special, closer to God than other [...]
The god Guanyin, from the Liao Dynasty (about 1000 AD) Guanyin and the underworld Guanyin was a Chinese Buddhist god based on a real woman, the way Guanti was based on [...]
Fan Kuan, "Traveling amid Streams and Mountains" (National Palace Museum, Taipei) Landscape painting got even better under the Song Dynasty than it had been under the T'ang Dynasty that came [...]