
1 06, 2017

Cooking pots – Copper science project – Chemistry

By |2019-04-24T16:50:44-07:00June 1st, 2017|Chemistry|Comments Off on Cooking pots – Copper science project – Chemistry

Copper-bottomed cooking pot: a science project Why do pots have copper bottoms? Because heat and electricity are closely related, copper is also a good conductor of heat. This is why [...]

1 06, 2017

Aluminum project – Soda cans and soup cans – Chemistry

By |2019-01-23T11:44:46-08:00June 1st, 2017|Chemistry|Comments Off on Aluminum project – Soda cans and soup cans – Chemistry

A simple project with aluminum You can see for yourself how aluminum is different from steel by comparing an empty aluminum can (a soda can) to an empty steel can (most canned [...]

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