Medieval Spanish art
Visigothic horseshoe arch (San Juan Banos) Because Spain was in the Roman Empire, in the 300s AD Spanish art looked a lot like other Roman art. It's not exactly the same - each province [...]
Visigothic horseshoe arch (San Juan Banos) Because Spain was in the Roman Empire, in the 300s AD Spanish art looked a lot like other Roman art. It's not exactly the same - each province [...]
Conciergerie: the king's castle in Paris (parts of it from the 1300 AD) What is the Conciergerie? The Conciergerie was the castle where the kings and queens of France lived when they [...]
Court of the Lions, Alhambra (1200s AD) By 1250 AD, the Christian kings of Spain had pushed the Almohads south so that they only ruled just the city of Granada, far in the south [...]
Kairouan (about 800 AD) The first Islamic buildings Greek architects designed the first buildings in the new Islamic Empire. They had already been living in the area when the Arabs conquered it. Because [...]