
31 07, 2017

Westminster Abbey – London

By |2017-07-31T10:53:24-07:00July 31st, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|Comments Off on Westminster Abbey – London

Westminster Abbey western facade (front) Westminster Abbey is a large church in the Gothic style in London, England. Edward the Confessor built an abbey here in 1050 AD, in the Romanesque style. (An abbey is a place for monks or nuns to [...]

29 07, 2017

Caen – Abbaye aux Dames

By |2019-01-16T11:28:12-08:00July 29th, 2017|Architecture, Medieval|Comments Off on Caen – Abbaye aux Dames

Caen - Abbaye aux Dames What is the Abbaye aux Dames? Matilda of Flanders ordered her architects to build this Christian church about 1050 AD in her capital at Caen. (Find out why.) The Abbaye [...]

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