Thanks to 
My Maps Plus for help with the coding.

How to use this map:
Click on any blue marker to see what happened there. When the info box pops up, click on “find out more” to find out more. Click on the X to close the info box. To zoom in and see the place close up (you can really see the temple or the pyramid or the cathedral!), leave the info box open and use the zoom scale on the left side. You can move the whole map by pulling on it with your cursor.

Or, click on the little black arrow on the right to see an alphabetical list of all the sites on this map. Zoom in, and click on any site to see what it looks like (you may sometimes have to zoom back out a little). To hide this list, click the little black arrow to its left.

Learn by doing: cuneiform tablets
More about the Bronze Age

Bibliography and further reading about the Bronze Age:

More about the Bronze Age(3000-1000 BC)
More about the Stone Age map(10,000-3000 BC)
On to the Iron Age map(1000-500 BC) home