Early Japanese religion
Early Japanese religion: Ujigami Shinto Shrine (Japan, 1300s AD) Where did the Shinto faith come from? The earliest people in Japan probably brought with them ancient religious ideas from Africa. [...]
Early Japanese religion: Ujigami Shinto Shrine (Japan, 1300s AD) Where did the Shinto faith come from? The earliest people in Japan probably brought with them ancient religious ideas from Africa. [...]
Yamato Japan: Haniwa seated woman from a kofun tomb, possibly a Shinto religious leader (ca. 500 AD) From Yayoi to Yamato By the end of the Yayoi period (Japan's Iron Age) in 250 [...]
Court attendants (Takamatsuzuka Tomb, ca. 600s AD) Now that Japan had declared independence from China, Empress Suiko and her successors built a new government for Japan. They wanted Japan's government to be just [...]