Ottoman science – astronomy and clocks
Taqi al-Din in his observatory Ottoman scholars built many libraries in Istanbul and in other cities of the Ottoman Empire. They translated many earlier books into Turkish or Arabic, like [...]
Taqi al-Din in his observatory Ottoman scholars built many libraries in Istanbul and in other cities of the Ottoman Empire. They translated many earlier books into Turkish or Arabic, like [...]
Uranus, the second to last planet out from the Sun Uranus is between Saturn and Neptune, so it's the next to the last planet away from our Sun. It takes Uranus 84 years to [...]
Neptune from space Neptune is the farthest planet from our Sun. Neptune is the only planet that is so far away that you can't see it without a telescope. Neptune (NEPP-toon) is [...]
Parallax and your finger Parallax comes from the Greek word "para", meaning "alternate" and "alla", meaning "change". Greek people used the word parallax to describe how an object seems to move when [...]